6-Day Evening Online Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management (SSWM) Training Course

Focusing on Faecal Sludge Management Solutions for Practical Implementation

November, Lebanon

This online Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management (SSWM) Training applies a blended learning approach in which in-class time is used to explore topics in greater depth, collaborate in online discussions and create meaningful learning opportunities with the guidance of experts, while participants are initially introduced to new topics outside of the classroom using pre-class videos and other types of self-study materials.

As this training is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), participation is subsidised. Fees per participant for the full online training are 50 USD. Locally registered Lebanese organisations can pay the participation fee upon prior agreement in cash at the official rate of LBP 1500, amounting to a total of 75.000 LBP. Scholarship places are available for this training for applicants from local non-profit institutions, students and start-ups. Scholarship applications will be accepted or declined based on individual reviews.



This 6-day evening online SSWM Training course, with a specific focus on faecal sludge management solutions for practical implementation, enables you to fully exploit the benefits of the SSWM Toolbox and develop a thorough understanding of and place faecal sludge management in a holistic Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management approach.

Training days: 23th – 28th November 2020 (6 days)
Training Format: virtual, evening sessions

Application deadline: 12th November 2020